

Health and Beauty   |   Global


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You're invited to promote CircleDNA, the world's most comprehensive at-home DNA test. At CircleDNA, our mission is to give everyone the power to be in control of their own health.

The World's Most Comprehensive DNA Test

  • Lose Weight, Eat Well, Get Fit. Tap into your genetic strength and understand how you can make your diet compatible with your genes.
  • Ruling Out Cancer and Disease Risks. Discover if you're prone to different cancers, brain health risks, and other common diseases.
  • Protect Your Family. Determine whether you or your partner carry genetic mutations that could be passed on to your child.

1. Sign up:

Anyone can join our program

2. Recommend:

Get your affiliate link

3. Earn Commission:

  • 8% commission on the sale value
  • Very high $AOV (over US$400)
  • 30 day tracking cookie period 
  • Open to custom marketing collaborations 
  • Ongoing promotions
  • Mobile optimised website
  • Open communication with our marketing and affiliate teams
  • Codes that have a prefix of "WA" is ineligible for commission

We look forward to working with you!

- CircleDNA

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